DRAWING ARCHITECTURE II : Situational sites, Procedural worlds
MA2 – Academic year 2020-21, semester 3 —Ghent
Tutors: Riet Eeckhout, Mira Sanders
Engagement: Mediating Tactics
The studio philosophy is underpinned by an understanding of architecture as a relational environment, away from an object directed understanding of architecture, towards a perception of space as the relationship between elements: the architectural event that takes place. Central here is the understanding of experiential space and the awareness of the point of view from which we view and experience the world.
Drawing Architecture studio employs design methodologies with multi-medial drawing and film making to observe and respond to situational events.
Situational Sites, Procedural Worlds
Looking at the world as series of linear trajectories of human actions and interactions, sliding from private spaces to the public domain, from the immersive ambient to the world of industrial automation, from the fragile and intimate to the overwhelming and embodied, allows us to entangle and qualify such linear trajectories and understand how they come together in a situation.
Besides the interest in understanding the spatial impact of procedural and linear trajectories (for example a daily commute to work, or the production process and supply chain from tree in the forest to the book in hand at home), the interest lays in the complex crossing of linear trajectories in a situation and the spatial-expressive opportunities that arise from them. Such situational sites, sometimes with natural crossings, sometimes forced collisions are lateral routes into understanding forces at play in a situation and allowing them to inform spatial intend.
We will look at examples of relational environments in film documents and entangle the crossing of procedural and linear trajectories present in these situational sites. Point of view and space-time relationships are important here, an experiential on the ground perspective from which the spatial circumstances of the situation unfolds over time.
We can observe the relational environment where the crossing of trajectories take place, and understand how such a situational site can inform the design of an architecture for it.
Out of the drawing
The intense process of the making of things, guiding the individual student step by step in de complexity and internal logic of spatial design and architectural thinking, is on pair with a written reflection, contextualising the drawn project and the inherent idea production. In this Project Book students will articulate the particular ‘gesture of architecture’ through drawing present in the project.
Link to the trailer 2020
Link to the blog on KU Leuven website
Link to previous studio’s
This studio can work in tandem with and in preparation for the Master Dissertation studio:
Drawing Architecture, manoeuvring between Factual Inevitabilities and Fictional Urgencies
images : Jean-Luc Godard (Opération Béton), Jane and Louise Wilson (Dreamtime), Wilbur Leguebe (Le Dossier B), Edward Byrtynski, Paul Virilio (Bunker Archeology)