
Sofa Talk with Sofia Saavedra Bruno 24/10

Sofia Saavedra Bruno is next guest in the sofa-talk. We will talk about how experimental pedagogy and action research allow to expand the commons. Sofia Saavedra Bruno is member of Supersudaca (2001- ongoing), a collective that practices “direct architecture” in the blind spots of architecture and urbanism. The method is inspired by everyday practices in […]


Expo: Meuropzero

ExpoMeuropzero is een nieuw initiatief dat studentenwerk in de kijker zet. Twee weken lang wordt geselecteerd werk getoond van bachelor- en masterstudenten na reviews of jurymomenten. De exporuimte is de hele dag vrij toegankelijk voor iedereen en wil een tastbare doorsnede van het vak Ontwerpen tonen. ExpoMeuropzero plaatst kwaliteitsvolle ontwerpen in het licht om medestudenten […]


Call: Post-Office Book Club: Cyber and the City

Hey bookish babes and boos, the soirées of the Post-Office Book Club are back! This year, we’re serving up something special with our new theme: Cyber and the City. Get ready to explore the rich intersection of feminism, digital culture, and architecture. We’re spilling the lore on trailblazing female+* authors who are rewriting the rules of […]


Lecture by Socks-Studio / Microcities: THE FORM OF INFORMATION 29/10

Welcome to our lecture by Socks-Studio and Microcities THE FORM OF INFORMATION A non-linear journey through distant territories of human imagination Tuesday 29/10/24, 18:30 (ENG) Alexianenplein, Gent (Auditorium A4 ) + open bar Please register here. The lecture explores the hypothesis of a correspondence between mental faculties, digital realms, and physical space, through an inquiry […]


Going Public lectures, fall 2024

Welcome to our new series of Going Public lectures + open bar. – Alexianenplein 1, 9000 Ghent, Auditorium A3 – 6.30 pm Free entrance. Everyone is welcome! Subscribe to the Going Public newsletter here. Tuesday 01/10/2024 (ENG) BIO-BASED STRUCTURES Wes Degreef (BC architects & studies & materials) – Learn more and register. Dinsdag 15/10/2024 (NL) […]


ARTROOM 23/05 – 15/11

Where Art becomes Architecture and Architecture becomes Art Presenteert: Stelling#1 Dancing Poles between Heavenly and Earthly Realms Dan Xin Hao & Nicolas Claessens Laureaten ARTROOM-Prize 2023 Beeldentuin Alexianenplein 2 campus Sint-Lucas Gent Opening 23.05 — 18:00 STELLING#1 werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door de Associatie KU LEUVEN, de Faculteit Architectuur KU LEUVEN en LUCA School of […]


Stijn Jalon and Douwe Neven are winners of the 11th Concrete Design Competition on PRESENCE!

Congratulations to graduates Stijn Jalon and Douwe Neven, winners of the ’11th Concrete Design Competition on PRESENCE’ with their design REbuild – Adaptive reuse of an industrial structure – “… a project where concrete elements are preserved or reused in the adapted building, thereby awarding a project that is exemplary in its use of concrete […]


Studenten architectuur bouwen sauna aan de Zennebrouwerij.

Een 30-tal masterstudenten van de Faculteit Architectuur bouwden gedurende acht weken een sauna aan de bar van de Zennebrouwerij op de Thurn & Taxis site in de Brusselse havenbuurt. Dit gebeurde als onderdeel van de master studio “The architect changemaker” onder leiding van Wesley De Greef. Lees meer op en


Liu Lunhai and Wang Yukai receive a special mention in the PRIMA 2024 competition.

The 5th edition of the PRIMA contest has been extremely successful in terms of participation and quality with more than 180 participants and many inspiring submissions by students and universities from France, Belgium, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden. The Groupe CB company has decided to create an art and architectural park on the […]


Expo ‘EUmies Awards 2024’

It is very encouraging to see that many KU Leuven alumni were nominated for the 2024 edition of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Awards (EUmies Awards), as leading principals or collaborators in excellent architectural practices. As our faculty is showcasing by means of an alumni event the Belgian 4 […]


Deniz Çakir and Britt Roelandt are nominated for the Future Proef Award.

The Future Proef Award is a prize (3,000 euros for the first place and 500 euros for places 2 and 3) that rewards final theses by bachelor and graduate students of a Flemish higher education institution, which address sustainable development issues. 33 final projects from KU Leuven compete for this prize. The announcement of the […]


Robin Vermeulen and Aleksandar Pilyov win the Prijs Jef Van Ranst 2023

Architect Jef Van Ranst had a dream: to get young talents to draw again. The drawing, made by hand, as an expression of a thinking, doing or design process rather than the drawing as an artistic artefact. Every year, the Jef Van Ranst Foundation searches for design drawings that visually challenge, question or express a […]


Daryna Lysytska and Marcos Suelves win the Van Hove Prize 2023

  Congratulations to Sint-Lucas Ghent alumni Daryna Lysytska and Marcos Suelves, who share the Van Hove Prize 2023 for their outstanding graduation projects! Daryna won the prize for her project ‘Forgotten Treasure‘, from the Streetscape Territorries master studio (thesis advisor: Kris Scheerlinck). Read more. Marcos won the prize for his project ‘Stoffwechsel of Peralta de […]


Petition: heritage in danger : C&A Namur – Leon Stynen

NL De omgeving van het station van Namen is een echte toegang tot de stad, een overgangsgebied naar het historische centrum. De place Léopold (Leopoldplein) is een centrale plaats die deel uitmaakt van een ontwikkelingsproject in de stedelijke herverkavelingsperimeter onder de naam “Quartier Léopold”. Deze is op 20 juni 2022 ter goedkeuring voorgelegd aan de […]
