On 9 January 2017 the publication ‘JUST ANOTHER METRO LINE ?! Brussels: 19 ambitions for a layered city‘ was presented.
The book contains student work of the 2nd Master in Urban Design and Spatial Planning. The students analysed the planned Metro Line 3 with an open and critical attitude.
You can now read the publication on Issuu.
Pros and cons of this huge piece of infrastructure are weighed up thoroughly.
Research and design are focussed on how the new metro line can be integrated in the existing urban environment and add value to society. This results in 19 ambition for Brussels, a layered city:
Subway as part of the city
Neighbourhood identities for every metro stop
Public transport used for waste recycling strategy
New schools along metro line 3
Metro 3 : Green strip
Metro stops as new social space
Circular energy as public space
Tine Van Herck, Violette Baudet & all students of the 2 Master in Urban Design and Urban Planning
tekening © Silke Van Bruyssel