Tutors: Thierry Lagrange, Dimitri Vangrunderbeek
Engagement: Craftsmanship
semester 1
2022-23, Ghent
The Double Look: ABSTRACTION
The Double Look (a master studio running for 6 years) formulates the following research objective: what does ABSTRACTION mean today, in a societal and cultural landscape quite often dominated by big data and superficiality? A BIG question we want to tackle, modestly, but with eager, on the scale of an Academic Design Office (ADO), run by an artist and an architect, both member of the research group The Drawing and the Space (www.thedrawingandthespace.info).
The expertise of the artist on the quality of the sculpture and the expertise of the architect on the architectural detail will become the main intellectual pillars of this studio. Both will connect their practice to this studio.
What is The Double Look? It all starts from the act of a close re-looking to (own)productions and contexts. This act introduces a multi-focality that generates new insights on the qualities of the subject. This basic activity introduced in a pedagogical context triggers the way a student looks to his world and his production in particular. Moreover the whole learning environment is dominated by what looking and re-looking means. It becomes a process of becoming conscious of the meaning of looking. We are convinced that this notion is an elementary quality an artist and architect should embody.
The output varies depending the process and the skills of the student. All media are possible, all formats as well (architecture project, spacious interventions, particular objects and installations).
Image: Thomas Dew Jones