Structural storytelling in architectural images
Individual masterproef 2022-23
Laurens Luyten (Supervisor) + Ivo Vrouwe (Co-supervisor)
Campus Ghent
Individual: 1 student
Description of the project:
Many books on architectural projects use images to explain the structural behaviour of a building to readers less familiar with engineering languages. These images contain symbols and visualizations that represent characteristics of this behaviour (e.g. internal forces and displacements). This structural language can be based on more generally applied representations, but is sometimes specifically developed. In both cases, the interpretation of the structural story can be intuitive but also ambiguous.
For this master dissertation, the student maps various types of representations of the structural behaviour as found in architectural literature (e.g. textbooks and monographs). This visual language is analysed and organized according to its characteristics (e.g. type of symbol, type of structural message, type of book/reader, preciseness and complexity of the message, and 2D/3D applicability).
The student develops this framework of analysis, and further investigates novel possibilities in representing the structural behaviour of architectural projects, with a focus on communicating internal moments and the diaphragm behaviour in constructions.
Tutoring in semester 1: five meetings with lectures, introduction and start-up of the dissertation project.
Tutoring in semester 2: up to weekly tutoring (according to the needs) and three reviews.
Expected output:
A manuscript presenting (1) the developed taxonomy of existing representations of structural behaviour, together with (2) the design of additional structural visualisations of the student.
References/Further reading:
Balmond, C., 2002. Informal. Munich: Prestel.
Boone, V., 2009. Samen ontwerpen, Designing together.
Charleson, A., 2005. Structure as Architecture: A Source Book for Architects and Structural Engineers. Oxford, MA: Architectural Press.
Ching, F.D., Onouye, B.S., and Zuberbuhler, D., 2009. Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design. Hoboken: Wiley.
Engel, H. and Rapson, R., 1967. Tragsysteme, Structure Systems. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt.
Garrison, P., 2005. Basic Structures for Engineers and Architects. Oxford, UK ; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Hunt, T., 2003. Tony Hunt’s Structures Notebook. 2nd ed. Oxford: Architectural Press.
Luyten, L., 2012. Structurally Informed Architectural Design, Proposals for a Creative Collaboration between Architect and Structural Engineer. Ph. D. Chalmers University, Göteborg.
Luyten, L., 2013. A structural language for a conceptual design collaboration. In: P. Cruz, ed. Structures and Architecture, Concepts, Applications and Challenges. Presented at the Second International Conference on Structures and Architecture, Guimarães, 24-26 July 2013, Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema, 1719–1726.
Millais, M., 2017. Building Structures. 3rd ed. Oxon: Routledge.
Muttoni, A., 2011. The Art of Structures. Lausanne: EPFL Press.
Sandaker, B.N., 2008. On span and space: exploring structures in architecture. Abingdon: Routledge.
Schodek, D.L. and Bechthold, M., 2014. Structures. 7th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
Image copyright Cecil Balmond (Balmond, C., 2002. Informal. Munich: Prestel. p.37) and Laurens Luyten.