RE-BRUSSELS By Harold Fallon (AgwA) & Johannes Berry (sugiberry)
This studio is part of the ADO Translocal (Re)Conversions.
Academic year 2021-22, semester 2, Brussels
Engagements: Craftsmanship, The Brussels Way
This studio will collaborate with the studio (33.3%) of Jan De Vylder (Architecten Jan de Vylder Inge Vinck) at the ETH Zurich.
This collaboration resides in the topic -described below-, the selection of sites reflecting these topics in Brussels and in Zurich, the participation to the review, a shared lectures program (to be confirmed), and a common assignment in which the Brussels and Zurich studio’s will collaborate (3.33%). The studio deals with currently existing and ongoing, large scale projects in Brussels, being heavily refurbished or demolished to make way for mixed used – housing programs. It critically considers their presently existing state, and the plans for their future state in the form of an architectural project. The project is a reconsideration through the limitation of means, of the relationship or symbiosis between the existing current and proposed future states of these buildings, in the form of 33.3%. The aim of the studio is also to participate in the debate about ongoing projects.
This presentation includes two black booklets for the Brussels Studio.
B describes the studio and the sites defined this far. D contains a series of references.
We also attach a series of three booklets reflecting last year’s 33% studio in ETH Zurich. Booklet A is a general introduction.
B explains the studio and the contexts. D includes a series of references. Consider these three booklets as a base to which the RE-BRUSSELS studio reacts.
Booklet33_Deel B & D BXL 2022 (pdf)
Booklet33_Deel D ZURICH 2021 (pdf)
Booklet33_Deel D ZURICH 2021 (pdf)