Louka Van Den Abeele | Katoo Geurts | Tiago Cardoso Tavares | Sofiya Dimitrova | Elisabeth Claeys | Iris Catarina Reis | Danai-Konstantina Voutsina
Steve Salembier | Minne De Meyer Engelbeen
[1] The Projects all originate in a minute and empirical reading of the BUDA area in Brussels
[2]This studio can be read as a remix of Mira Sanders’ ‘a poetic instant – aesthetics of infrathin-graphies’
In troubling times of high technological growth, deconstruction and omnipresent (re)building, in times where we face climate change and inhabit more our (life) cadence instead of our house; we wonder to what extent we can wonder – within the discipline of architecture – what exactly is not graspable or solvable.
The poetic wonderings of the studio took place in the BUDA AREA, an industrial zone spanning Machelen, Vilvoorde and Brussels. An amazingly layered and complex spatial cluster, which we explored through a wide variety of makings, investigations and explorations, making use of the complete scope of hands-on, known/unknown architectural and extra-architectural methods of making.
Throughout this experimental process of making the 7 practices detect certain spatial fragilities, rigidities, dynamics, statics and their thresholds/contradictions. An operation either capturing or excavating present poetic instants and archaeologies.