Mimesis: Reconstructing the Acoustic Experience
An experiment upon Acoustic Spatiality
Mimesis: Imitation in the sense of “representation”. According to Plato and
Aristotle, “Mimesis” is the representation of nature. It is the basic theoretical
principle in the creation of art
Sound is a fundamental element of experiencing the space. The specificity of each
space can be recalled through the sound, memories of a space can be connected
to the sound. In general, it’s a way to perceive the space. Yet, it has a unique
characteristic; its kind of spatiality cannot be seen or touched but it can only be
felt, though in the end the experience of each space or place can be constructed
through the sound.
The personal experience from Buda site was mostly an acoustic experience. From
the very first moment I felt that the sound was the dominant element that made
me move through the place. I can recall my promenade because of the sounds,
through the contradiction between the heavy sounds of the industry and the
tranquil sounds of nature; between the repetitive sounds of the industrial buildings
and the unstoppable movement of the water; the steady beatings of the machines
and the random sounds from the birds; the unstoppable traffic of the vehicles and
the impatient silence while they were waiting in the traffic lights. Through this
project, I wanted to represent exactly this kind of sense I acquired in the area.