< terug

Louka Van Den Abeele – The space between the same and the similar


The space between the same and the similar
In this investigation I try to map out the space between the same and the similar in
order to better understand both terms. To experiment and work with these terms I
use my own translations of same and similar in experiments to further understand
and appropriate them. This means that my explanation or definitions of them could
differ from your definitions. I do not claim that my definitions are the only ones or
the ‘right’ ones, readers are free to come to their own conclusions or have their own
opinions on the terms I work with.
To understand my definition of the terms I worked with in this investigation I
included a vocabulary section in which I explain them shortly.
However, because throughout the investigation I came to understand these terms
more deeply and thoroughly or sometimes even in a different way, I also added
a lexicon at the end of this book to have finalized definitions of all the terms I
worked with.

In my investigation I work around three examples of translations of ‘same’ and
‘similar’. I explore each example analogically, digitally and through a combination
of both.

I would like to acknowledge the fact that this is an investigation that might not
be finished entirely and most likely never could be finished. This in my opinion
is not due to the fact that the space between the same and the similar is so vast
that you could never grasp it entirely, but due to the fact that every example used
to investigate the space is always so different from other examples that you will
always discover new things. Thus you would have to use every possible example to
investigate this space until you could conclude the investigation entirely.

Lastly I would like to mention that the format of a book limits me from presenting
part of my investigation.
The video files that are presented in this book in the form of an image with .MP4 in
their code can also be found in a Google Drive folder, you can find them under the
same file name as the image code in the folder of their corresponding chapter.

You can acces the Drive through the following link: