Semester 2, Gent
Master of Architecture, Engagement: Craftsmanship
Academic year 2024-2025
Tutor: Aurelie De Smet
SHORT DESCRIPTION (more detailed information coming soon)
This is a service-learning (1) studio closely linked to the Solidary Mobile Housing participatory action research project, the City of Ghent’s efforts to provide qualitative, affordable (student) housing and the Space for Care trajectory by the Gentse Stadsacademie.
The studio will revolve around issues like modular and circular architecture, temporary/adaptable housing, de-institutionalisation of the care sector, cohousing for different target groups, and caring neighbourhoods,… and it will involve transdisciplinary collaboration with a variety of actors and stakeholders.
The broader aim of this studio is to stimulate the students to reflect critically on their role as future professionals and their potential to act as an ‘agent of change’.
(1) Service-learning is an experiential leaning method in which students work together with and for social actors – click here to find out more.
critical spatial practice, participatory action research, codesign, place-based solidarity, socio-spatial resilience, systems thinking, transition design, crossbench practitioner
TIMELINE (tentative)
The studio will unfold according to the following service-learning cycle:
As a first step, the students will get acquainted with the involved actors and identify their needs and wishes. Moreover, they will collectively explore the course topics and conceptual framework and will be triggered to reflect on their own interests, skills, and expertise, in relation to this. Finally, we will also discuss methodological, practical, and ethical issues.
In parallel, the students will be supported to gradually establish partnerships with the relevant stakeholders to define goals and develop potential answers together with them. Based on these, and in interaction with the partners and course tutor, they will also determine success criteria, develop action plans, and mobilise resources.
After investigating and preparing, it is time for action. In this phase, the students will collaborate with each other and the other involved actors to realise their self-defined goals. The aim of this step is to demonstrate an understanding of the challenges at hand and test the proposed answers through action.
As a next step, we will come back to the classroom and take the time to collectively engage in a critical reflection about (1) what happened on the terrain, (2) what this means in the light of the course topics and conceptual framework, and (3) what we can learn from this for the future. We will also evaluate the impact of our engagement on the other stakeholders as well as on ourselves.
After completing the first phase, students will go through the previous cycle again. Building on their experiences from the first phase, they will now work towards a more detailed project (proposal). During this phase, they will also (inter)act with societal actors again, communicating their insights to them, receiving feedback on them and collectively reflecting and deciding on the next steps. Taking into consideration each of our possibilities and timeframe, agreements will also be made collaboratively on what needs to be done to wrap up (and transfer the produced knowledge).
During a final presentation and celebration session the students will present their process and results to each other and the other involved stakeholders. The aim is to look back at what has happened, reflect on what we learned, celebrate this together, and possibly make recommendations/plans for the future.
- Lectures and study visits
- Literature and case studies
- Group brainstorming, reflections & discussions
- Community-engaged research and design
- Participatory field work
- Individual reflections
Throughout the course and in close collaboration with the SMH project partners, the students will deliver the following materials, to be handed in at the end:
- Design product: a project proposal / installation / intervention / tool / report / … fitting the topic of ‘modular architecture for (student)housing’ and delivered in (inter)action with the involved stakeholders (individual or group work)
- Final presentation: an account of the (co-)development process of the design product (individual or group work)
- Process journal: a personal documentation of the course process (individual work)
- Reflection paper: a summarizing personal reflection on the course topic, process, and result(s) (app. 500 to 2000 words) (individual work)
The students will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Course participation: attendance, enthusiasm, effort to deliver the design product, respectful interaction with other the partners, … -> this will be evaluated based on weekly observations by the tutor, the process journal, and an assessment by the societal partner(s)
- Course result(s): delivery of a design product that aligns with the course topic(s) and the stakeholder expectations -> this will be evaluated based on the design product(s), the final presentation, and the reflection paper
- Development process: the academic, professional and/or personal growth of the student -> this will be evaluated based on the process journal and the reflection paper
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