< terug

EXPECTATIONS – debate (Tue Dec 17th, campus Brussels)

CURIOSITA is happy to invite you to its first event!

Come share with us your EXPECTATIONS!

@ 7.00 pm on the 17th of december 2014 (Auditorium Sint-Lucas, Plaizenstraat 65 Rue des Palais)

The debate will be nourished by Leeke Reinders (Urban anthropologist at OTB Research Institute), Petra Pferdmenges (Architect, Alive Architecture) and Wouter Deraeve (Landscape Architect/Artist), and will invite you to reflect upon your expectations as designers and users of space. Rather than to arrive to an answer, the intention is to explore the theme of the night in an open ended manner, and derive from different perspectives to initiate an in-depth discussion.

The debate will last until 8.30 pm, and will be followed by an informal drink! Join us!
