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Zoë Proost ‘(De)Constructed Nature’

What started with a shelter from wild becomes a vast boundary between nature
and the constructed self. From an imaginary world, this boundary is aff ected in
this series. The “deconstructed nature” planet shows the hybrid of this.
From the studio ingredients, the fi rst spaces are created using a one-minute
site. In it we enter this artifi cial landscape that indicates the awareness of the
degradation of architecture in nature.
An out and in zoom of these moving landscapes are captured in a digital drawing
series that will tell the story of the space: the duality of what we construct and
deconstruct, the world we are obtaining and where we would like to go, the
degradable material use and the natural material off ered, the knowledge we
have misused and applied.
Hidden in this planet – and story are several layers that represent history and the
future. How does the planet evolve further after the arrival of humankind? Being
stuck in a controlled reality, constructed by the human mind gives a constructed
world. However, nature takes over, of which even in our necessity we are looking
for reunion with nature. Thus, deconstructed nature is reconstructed again.