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Shahdad Badiehneshin ‘The Walk’

What is a hybrid? My interpretation of the word is that something which is two things at the same time, but neither of them. But how it is possible to design such a thing?
This question took me back in my head, maybe way too deep. I started to remember my childhood memories of the space I used to live in and grew up, the space which does not exist in real life anymore. I started to remember the memories that my parents told me, memories of good and bad events that the population of Iran remembers, memories which are not even my own, but I could imagine them clearly. I chose architecture about memories as my subject, something that is in my
head, but not in real life anymore. I wanted my work to reflect what my countrymen deal with, and be their voice.
In my opinion, there is always a hidden layer in urban architecture that is precious, and knowing it will give a better insight of a society. In The Walk I try to show the daily dilemmas of average citizens of Tehran.
Because of the scarcity of information about the 3D space in Tehran, I had to get my data from a video clip of a person who walks in the streets of Tehran and records them. By extracting the frames and processing them using photogrammetry, I was able to get the model of a famous walkway in Tehran and capture the vibe of it. Finally, by implementing my memories in small interactions, I was able to
materialize what I had in mind, a hybrid space of Tehran and my memories.