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Mantas Povilaika ‘Structural Surveillance’

‘Structural surveillance’ one-minute site is a film-motional site, which is observing structures through a point of view of a drone. The drone is fictionalized as an electronical device, which is able to see transparencies and tries to survey the data of the overlapping surfaces, their geometrical anchors and charateristics.
The distant point-of-view, visually interesecting geometries & digital data presence are being reinterpretated on their own into a bi-spatial environment. It becomes a hybrid space, which is generated by flattened wireframe structural detail drawing and then used as a starting point to extrude new spatial configuration.
The original detail drawing, which lost its z-height coordinate is being weaved into a new, atmospheric geometry. These new bi-spatial environments becomes a representation of a design process, which talks about a possible projection exercise, rather than a finished architectural design. The result of this drawing process in some fragments becomes too complex or spatially unreadable, more graphical, than architectural – this is where new bodies are being intuitionally introduced. These new bodies do not correspond neither to the first wireframe drawing, neither to the new spatial extrusion – they are rather helping to read the unreadable situations with their different orientations and intersections in the hybrid space.