< terug

Aldo Guterriez ‘wandering into the superimposition of fragmented spaces, textures and materialisations’

The project aims to delve into the superficial structures of materialisation, where the alienated individual stands on in the pursuit of the commodified delusion of control and the paradox of confort.
The concern arises with the massive depletion and pollu-tion of resources that are lied for the standarised progress that not only patch the earth but also the individual and its perception.
Thus, the project focuses on these layers of textures that are manipulated in “order” around oneself that mediate infor-mation and disguise the infrastructures of power and its contradictions such as the endanger of the species itself.
Therefore, the series of outcomes are the attempt to reach certain freedom by an intuitive approach and experimen-tation to prevent as much as possible the rational mind to frame which is thought as correct, where one becomes the medium between information and imagination so the fractions turn into the materialisation to step out from and superimpose within and beyond their limits, back and forth, as part of the means to dive into the interstices and bring about the hybrid.
The method used is an exploration through juxtapositions of fragments in films and drawings inspired by the investiga-tion.