Individual Master Dissertation studio 2022-23
Promotor: Dr. Corneel Cannaerts, Co-promotor: Michiel Helbig
Campus: Ghent
Language: EN
Students: 6
This academic year, fieldstation studio ( will complete the three+one year as an academic design office. After the two trilogies (Hacking the Expanded Field, Shifting Borders, Luxury and Precarity and Automation, Platforms, Projective Archives), we plan a new trilogy that explores topics that share the prefix “post-”. Rather than a post-mortem of the research, teaching and practice of the academic design office, the trilogy aims to further explore the impact of digitalisation on architecture, architectural practice and culture, and the environments in which we operate.: The words that come after the prefix are still an open question, but might include: -digital, -orthographic, -disciplinary, -capitalist, -academic, -human, -anthropocene, -millennial, -radical, -critical, -material, -organic, -carbon, -scarcity, -experiential, -experimental, -speculative, -cinematic, -narrative, -collective, ….
The studio questions what remains of architecture when its human centred, foundational dichotomies have been eradicated by the ongoing political, economic, cultural and environmental shifts and crises? How do we position ourselves as a discipline in a world that is inherently volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, contingent and dynamic? How do we change our habitual modes of operation and practising as a profession in response to the multitude of challenges? How do we adapt architecture, architectural practice and culture to this new normal? The studio in the first master is an introduction and collective investigation into these questions, broadening the perspective of students, the master dissertation is aimed at developing a personal position, practice and project relating to these topics.