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Yvanna Versyck Thesis example 20-21 Drawing Architecture

Beyond Blue

Yvanna Versyck

Beyond Blue is a thesis project that developed through the process of making. This intense production process explores visual information that is found on the site. It navigates and collaborates between multimedia such as cyanotype, photography, hand drawing, collage, digital drawing, and model making. This interaction enabled a close encounter with the found objects that belong to the site.

During the contemporary pandemic, my backyard became the site of investigation. This resulted in observing the objects that belonged to my yard and carefully registering it through the cyanotype technique. The technique became an architectural guide and enabled me to extract and register certain aspects of the items that belonged to my backyard. It is a photographic process that allows capturing images without a camera on a deep blue colour. I exposed the objects on a large photosensitive paper. The objects rest on top of a photosensitive paper in a period, exposed to daylight.

This led me to investigate time sensitive exposures that articulate a different performance of the everyday objects. An obsession of registering these guided me to roam in my yard. Therefore, an interest has arisen in what could occur in this blue space on paper, whereas I zoom in and later try to exhume the performativity of what is brought by the found objects.

While getting closer to the nature of things that are connected to it, this project has led to complex and internal logic of spatial design and architectural thinking in a specific designed condition.