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IMBRICATIONS - Nesting higher education in Ghent’s heterogeneous fabric


Tutors: Christian Nolf and Ignacio Galan

Campus: Ghent

Language: EN

Engagement: Urban Cultures

MArG14 2024-25: Semester 1


Background: 600 Ha KU Leuven

In 2025, KU Leuven will celebrate its 600th anniversary. To mark this occasion, the Department of Architecture has launched the “KU Leuven 600 Ha” initiative to explore how the university’s extensive patrimony can address the sociocultural, economic, and environmental challenges facing our cities. As part of this initiative, the 2024-2025 Architecture and Territory Studio will investigate Ghent’s historic center to explore two key questions: What will be the spatial needs of higher education in the coming decades? And how can these (new) spaces enhance their urban surroundings?

Studio Context: The Heterogeneous Urban Fabric of Ghent

Ghent’s urban fabric is uniquely heterogeneous—entering a city block feels like opening a secret box full of surprises. While the layout of streets and blocks, shaped by the Lys and Scheldt Rivers, has remained largely unchanged for centuries, the interiors feature a dynamic mix of building types that are continuously adapted. This diversity is exemplified by KU Leuven’s Ghent campuses, spread across former convents, office spaces, industrial sites, a hospital, and a car garage. We believe in the strong synergy between higher education and urban vitality, and advocate for KU Leuven/Sint Lucas/LUCA to maintain and strengthen their presence in the historic city center.

Studio Objective: Nesting Higher Education

The studio aligns with Ghent’s Bouwblokken Vision (2020) to demineralize and upgrade the interiors of city blocks. In a selection of semi-derelict blocks between the Rabot, Coupure, and Hoogstraat campuses, you will explore how integrating educational facilities and student housing can simultaneously benefit the surrounding neighborhoods. The first phase, in groups, will involve the development of an urban strategy for one block, followed by individual architectural proposals. Particular attention will be given to the connectivity of green spaces, the adaptive reuse of existing structures, and the spatial articulation between public, semi-public, and private spaces.

By reimagining the role of urban campuses in terms of urban ecology, climate, social interaction, and inclusiveness, the outcomes of this studio will contribute to a collective exhibition as part of KU Leuven’s 600th-anniversary celebrations.

Figure: Map of derelict inner blocks (red= underused space to be redesigned) between the Hoogstraat, Coupure and Rabot campuses.

• De Meulder, Bruno (2023). 600HA KU LEUVEN: Een universiteitsstad?
• Katrijn Apostel, Dirk Janssen, Filip Pittillion (2008) Bouwblokkenboek : over het bouwblokkenweefsel in Antwerpen, theorie en praktijk https://lib.ugent.be/nl/catalog/rug01:001310979
• Gent Bouwblokvisie (2020): https://stad.gent/nl/wonen-bouwen/stadsvernieuwing/toekomstvisie-voor-stadsvernieuwing/bouwblokvisie-voor-vergroenen-en-verweven
• Geopunt Vlaanderen https://www.geopunt.be/