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Sofa Talk with Khalda El Jack and Tasneem Nagi 8/03

We are happy to have Khalda El Jack and Tasneem Nagi as our next guests in the series on architecture and activism. They are both architects and urban researchers at the KU Leuven Department of Architecture. We use the opportunity to learn about the ongoing war in Sudan and the ways in which architecture and activism have intersected since the 2019 Sudanese Uprising. From the emergence of mass-scale sit-ins during the uprising under the demands of ‘Freedom, Peace, Justice’ and the neighborhood-scale expressions of it, to the architectures that emerge and disappear during a time of war, Khalda and Tasneem explore the temporal and networked nature of “making architecture” as a form of activism at various periods of time.

Friday 8 March 2024, 17:30, at the bar of the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Paleizenstraat 65, 1030 Schaarbeek.

The sofa talk is part of the Architecture & Activism seminar organized by Gideon Boie and Lieven De Cauter.

Poster by Melika Baghban Anbarani
