Friday 23 Feb., 2024 5 pm
In our search for activist architecture, we are happy to have Halewijn Lievens as next guest. Halewijn Lievens is co-founder of NU architectuuratelier, together with Armand Eeckels. The work of NU is situated at different scales, from single family housing ‘Bomastraat’ (Ghent) to the Joseph Bracops hospital (Anderlecht) and the reception area for the Meise botanic gardens. But even in every work the design seems to scale down to that of furniture, large or small. An iconic work is Huis Perrekes, an elderly care center for persons with dementia in the village of Oosterlo, the intervention is about an extension of a former villa and the design of specific furniture. The work of NU was recently shown in the exhibition ‘Play’, part of the program of Bozar and A+, and also documented in the book with the same title. Clearly the work of NU is not activist in the strict political sense, but we hope to learn from Halewijn Lievens whether and how architecture can be activist from within the discipline.
Join the sofa-talk with Halewijn Lievens on Friday Feb. 23, 2024, 5 pm. at the bar in the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Paleizenstraat 65.
(no registration needed)
Posters by Melika Baghban Anbarani