Join the sofa talk with Bram Aerts on Wednesday 4 October 2023, 18:00. Bram Aerts is co-founder of TRANS architecture & urbanism, since 1 October the office is renamed ATAMA, atelier for transformative architecture & masterplanning. The office works on major projects in Brussels, such as most prominently the future Dockside, RITCS School of Arts and Meise Botanical Gardens. We will talk with Bram Aerts about his recent work in Brussels, the meaning of transformative architecture and how it changes the city.
The sofa talk takes place at the bar in the Meurop building, Paleizenstraat 65, 1030 Brussels.
Wednesday 4 October, 2023, 18:00, Cafetaria, Sint-Lucas Brussels Campus.
The sofa talk series is a public conversation about urgent lessons in architecture and Brussels organized by Gideon Boie, Patrick Moyersoen and a group of master students. Follow us on Instagram ( or checkĀ
See you!