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Sofa Talk with Hanne Van Reusel 28/4

Hanne Van Reusel is next guest in the sofa-talk on Friday 28 April, 17:30. Most welcome! We will talk about Commons Josaphat and the need for altering scenes in the city. In that context we will also discuss the new plans for the Josaphat terrain recently presented by Brussels Government. The setting for the sofa is Jardin Latinis, the kitchen garden at Josaphat terrain. The location is accessible from Avenue Latinis 152 in Schaerbeek. Bring your own drinks.
Hanne Van Reusel is architect.e, researcher and activist, she completed doctoral research at the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, and currently involved in Sonian Wood Coop and Osmos Network.


The Sofa-Talk is part of the Architecture & Activism seminar (KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture), organized by Gideon Boie and Lieven De Cauter.


DATE Friday, April 28, 2023

HOURS 17:30

PLACE Jardin Latinis, 152 Avenue Latinis/Latinislaan 152, Schaarbeek


Faculteit Architectuur KU Leuven, Campussen Sint-Lucas