Willem Hubrechts (Off the grid) from the Faculty of Engineering Science: architecture of the KU Leuven, is one of the 12 Finalists in the 2020 YTAA award ! (supervisors Ward Verbakel and Viviana d’Auria)
Congratulations !
Earlier on a shortlist of 43 graduation projects was published, including the projects of Morgane Lahaye, Elias Bey and Matthew Jones, from the Faculty of Architecture KU Leuven, and this from the 383 graduation projects submitted to the 3rd edition of the Young Talent Architecture Award.
On the 5th of October an online event is organised where European Union Commissioner Mrs. Mariya Gabriel will be announcing the Winners of the 2020 YTAA.
The YTAA award was for the first time organised in 2016 – with Iwo Borkowicz from the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, as one of the winners.
YTAA, as (inherent) part of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award, is organised by the Fundació Mies van der Rohe with the support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. It is organised in partnership with the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) and the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE-CAE); World Architects as a founding partner; the European Cultural Centre as a partner in Venice; sponsored by Jung, Jansen and Regent; and with the support of USM. By bringing together the most talented graduated architects and some of the best architecture firms and institutions in Europe, the Winners of YTAA have the chance to develop strategies, synergies or complementarities with the firms and institutions of their interest/choice. The YTAA aims to support the talent of recently graduated Architects, Urban Planners and Landscape Architects, who will be responsible for transforming our environment in the future. YTAA has emerged from an interest the initial stages of these students’ development and a desire to support their talent as they enter into the professional world.
Martine De Maeseneer, vice dean international affairs FA