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GOING PUBLIC lecture #5 / T.O.P. Office / Luc Deleu: Scale and Perspective 18/02

We invite you to attend the lecture by LUC DELEU in our GOING PUBLIC series, this time part of the THE BRUSSELS WAY engagement, curated by Patrick Moyersoen.

T.O.P. Office / Luc Deleu
Scale and Perspective

Tuesday 18/02/2020, 18h30, cafetaria
Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Brussels
Paleizenstraat 65-67, 1030 Brussels

Through the spatial interventions and architectural projects that fall under the heading of “scale and perspective”, T.O.P. office set itself a very ambitious goal: articulating a formal organizing principle in architecture that is not inferior to symmetry, for example.

Luc Deleu is a Belgian conceptual artist, architect and urban planner. In 1970, together with Laurette Gillemot, he founded the urban development agency T.O.P. Office (Turn-On Planning Office), an interdisciplinary city planning company. That same year Deleu also holds his first solo exhibition: ‘Luc Deleu says goodbye to architecture’. To date, he has given up neither architecture nor art. He sees both as closely related manifestations of thought: “I am an artist because I am an architect.”

Everyone’s welcome! Please register on https://lecture-luc-deleu.eventbrite.nl


The GOING PUBLIC program of the Faculty of Architecture is a series of lectures, exhibitions and publications organized throughout the year highlighting certain themes and topics that are important within each of the 4+1 Engagements: Urban Cultures, Mediating Tactics, Craftsmanship, Legacy and the Brussels Way.