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Supervisor(s) Luc Eeckhout
Campus (BXL/Ghent) Campus Ghent
Language (EN/NL) EN
Studio or individual? Studio

Description of the project:

The Continuous Productive Urban Landscape or CPUL, as a strategy to connect people, nature and the changing climate positively.

This is a call for small student teams who like to work and design together in different ways. I am looking for a few teams of 2 to 3 students who dare to think together about the future of the city.

This year, we are researching THE CITY and the CPUL as a green-blue infrastructure for the regenerative future of Ghent. A CPUL (Continuous Productive Urban Landscape) is an urban green infrastructure that connects food production facilities of various sizes and types to other open spaces and functions in cities. This interconnected network of food-producing landscapes based on urban agriculture aims to connect urban parcels with citizens and other food system activities, ultimately linking them to the rural landscape. We will start in October 2024 with various short workshops that form the basis for further research. Together we will investigate the green-blue network of Ghent. Every group will research a topic to improve living and working in the edible city. In February 2025 we will decide which projects will be finally worked out.

Expected output:

The most important output is the master dissertation reflection paper. The paper is a synthesis of all your work, your research and regenerative design. We will discuss the output in detail during the workshops. The final scale of each project is free in this studio but will always start from the urban scale. That is why we are also looking for students who want to do research on a larger or urban scale.

Study trip:

During the design week in November, we plan local trips. First, we will explore the edible landscape of Ghent and its surrounding. In this studio, we prefer to work very locally and avoid distant destinations.

References/Further reading:

Look at our website in general > https://regenerativedesign.world/

Look at the explanation about regenerative design > https://regenerativedesign.world/regenerative-design/

Look at certain examples about the edible city > CPUL London https://regenerativedesign.world/cpul-london-concept/ http://bohnandviljoen.co.uk/theory/productive-urban-landscapes-blog-2018/ https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/pulr/

Look at certain examples about the edible city > How we can eat our landscapes | Pam Warhurst https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KmKoj4RSZw&t=3s

General explanation master dissertation 2024-2025: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5xl8f782hrkeiawv1xjs1/20240520-The-Green-blue-Edible- City.pdf?rlkey=kd3nczte8kyx1dti6qc54jxma&dl=0

Reference image:



More information about this studio: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5xl8f782hrkeiawv1xjs1/20240520-The-Green-blue-Edible- City.pdf?rlkey=kd3nczte8kyx1dti6qc54jxma&dl=0

More information about the CPUL: