Final jury on 21.06.2018, WTC 24 Brussels
This academic year the students of interior architecture master studio Narrative Space and Materiality (Campus Brussels) have been working on the theme of ‘Denkmal’. Fifteen individual projects with different themes resulted from their research and design process. All projects are situated in Brussels and aim to go further than sculptural or symbolic values of a monument. They involve the spectator in the narrative of a monument by motivating interaction with architecture and creating spaces not only to remember but also to reflect.
The studio took place on the 24th floor of World Trade Center building: in an exceptional working atmosphere, next to other master ateliers of Campus Brussels, on an open floor plan with stunning views over the Belgian and European capital.
Late March a study trip to Munich brought new insights on the idea of Denkmal as architectural space, its symbolism and potential to appropriate changes within time. The city’s history, architecture and impressive art collections inspired the students following the midterm held during the trip, in the office space kindly offered by wortundform.
The studio also organised two lectures on Narrative Space. Klaske Havik (Associate Professor TU Delft) talked about Literary methods in Architectural Research and Design. Architect Halewijn Lievens (NU architectuuratelier) presented how their projects translate narratives into architectural spaces.