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Opening lecture Ghent: LILET BREDDELS: Architects and Architectures 27/09

Opening lecture for the International Master of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent
27 September,
10.30 AM,
Sint-Niklaasstraat 27, 9000 Ghent.
White Room, ground floor.
Intro by Martine De Maeseneer

The opening event in Ghent Sint Niklaasstraat White room ground floor, organised on Wednesday Sept 27th @ 10h30, with a general introdution by Martine De Maeseneer and a lecture by Lilet Breddels, has the intention to give all first and 2nd master students a warm welcome to start up the new academic year and inform you about the full INT MA programme.

!! All international master students welcome on both campuses !!