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Lecture by Tomas Ooms: Strange Bodies: Corpus Alienum 21/03/18

On Wednesday 21 March Tomas Ooms is invited for a lecture at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel  during the ‘Islands of Brussels’ Architecture Week (by the Architectural Engineering department of the VUB and student organisation bru:tecture)ru:tecture)

This event is public, but registration is strictly required. Please register here.

Strange Bodies: Corpus Alienum: 

A self-respecting island does not negotiate its edges…

Central to the understanding of the urban condition is the idea of exchange. Obvious forms of exchange as there are goods, money, ideas. But also exchange of power, diseases, experience… And exchange of space (room): interior and exterior, interstitial spaces, commercial space, doubt-space, open space, private, collective and public space.

In order for exchange to happen, there needs to be some kind of overlap.

This will be discussed on the basis of the MULTI project, a reconversion of an iconic office tower in the center of Brussel, recently awarded  the 2017 BE EXEMPLARY.

At the edges of this reflection we will encounter Giambattista Nolli and the public interior.

Interesting to note: “passage” as synonym of exchange means “the process of transition from one state to another”…