< terug

IN-BETWEEN TERRITORIES, Exhibition -> 25/10/19

IN-BETWEEN TERRITORIES, Exhibition Bordeaux, 19 September – 25 October 2019.

Transitional spaces of Bordeaux are explored through the lens of liminal conditions, borders and territories.

An international workshop held by Borders & Territories TUDelft, the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Brussels, and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux, examined the spatial dynamics between the airport and the historic heart of Bordeaux.

The co-lab started with a walk of 6 hours in a hybrid landscape, defined by a wild mix of architectural typologies. The physical, intellectual and sensorial exploration was translated into 6 meters long maps which became the entry point to analyse the nature of in-between spaces and territories.

The result of the research is presented in this exhibition: an analysis of the territory, cartography and urban interventions and features student work of the IN BETWEEN Masters studio.

More information on: https://www.le308.com/entre-deux-territoires

Contact: Caroline Sohie, Cecilia Chiappini

77 88 99 55 44 33 22 111