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International short projects

 Workshop in Nepal: building the first ‘Post-School’ (January 2018)

Researching and building our first ‘Post-School’ in Nepal with the students of the international Master of Architecture and Master of Interior Architecture. This research is embedded in the Academic Design Office ‘On Continuity & Identity’, with a focus on contemporary & sustainable building techniques and anchored in the local heritage.

Design, concept & coordination: Ignaas Back, Klaas Vanslembrouck, Tom Callebaut, Hilde Bouchez, icw Wart Thys, Lin Seminck, CEPP, Bikas, ABT seismic engineering, ir. Bhawani Upadhdyaya, Tribhuvan University


BRICK PLAY – MAP13 Workshops (October 2017)

On Thursday 7 September 2017, Kortrijk Weide launched the art integration project BRICK PLAY, an artistic participation program for thinkers and creators. ‘BRICK PLAY’ was part of the PLAY exhibition, a city festival that took place from mid 2018 in Kortrijk. Three architects of MAP13 Barcelona met in the autumn of 2017 with inhabitants of Kortrijk, students and users of the Kortrijk Weide site.

Together with the Faculty of Architecture (Hilde Bouchez, Tom Callebaut, Klaas Vanslembrouck and Ignaas Back), a series of workshops featured a playful brick design (specifik to MAP13 Barcelona). In the course of 2018 this BRICK PLAY  emerged from the ground.

MAP13 Barcelona deliberately chose a participation program with students, residents of the city and users of the site. It was a warm invitation to THINKERS and CREATORS. The development of the concept phase of BRICK PLAY started in October 2017 with the organization of the workshops. Beginning 2018, construction began.

A 4-day workshop included the construction of a simple thin-tile vaulting structure that was reinforced so it ccould be hung and kept after the workshop. Read more on the call of the 4-day workshop .


The Joy of Making, Learning and Teaching: ‘Nepal the Ideal school’ master studio (2016-17)

The ongoing KU Leuven workshop with students and teachers from the Faculty of Architecture – in collaboration with CEPP – explores vernacular architecture and Nepali traditions. Discover our ideas on future teaching, learning and making with respect for the old wisdom and traditions of Nepal.

Read more on the Nepal master dissertation studio and www.facebook.com/KULCEPP/

2016-17 maig42 – Ignaas Back, Klaas Vanslembrouck, Ignaas Back, Hilde Bouchez, Tom Callebaut


Brave New World: THINK TANK 2016

Student Michiel Hutsebaut traveled together with 13 other master students to South Africa for the workshop week of the Think Tank 2016.

The think tank is a project, set up by KU Leuven and Stellenbosch University, South Africa. The overarching theme of this edition was ‘the role of technology in search for a brave new world’. With an interfaculty team of master students, in January we started thinking about the title of Aldous Huxley’s novel. 15 master’s students in Stellenbosch were doing the same. There followed a series of lectures, web meetings and discussions about what they wanted to achieve, free to determine the content of the think tank. The group decided to focus on three themes: health, education and social media and how technology affects their future.

For 10 months they worked together on a paper about their brave new world. It became a long and intensive process, where communication was central. It was an exercise in collaboration (experience enough in the training), conducting research (good addition to what is expected in the master) and presenting (from day 1).

The final symposium was organized in Stellenbosch this year. For two weeks, a face-to-face collaboration took place with fellow thinkers in South Africa. As a final presentation, a scripted political debate was organized in which two parties, ‘humanity’ and ‘technology’ debated positions, inspired by recent political debates.

Those who want to gain more experience in an academic environment, want to be exposed to new insights and want to make contact with students on the other side of the world, can apply for the next edition.
