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The BENELUX ACADEMIC ARCHITECTURE AWARD 2014 celebrates architectural excellence across the world with the support of Vitra Belux and Vitra Netherlands. Master students from the departments of architecture in the Benelux were invited to submit a high quality architectural realisation of their choice.

The jury consisted of the following members and designated the laureats on January 22nd:

Peter Swinnen, Vlaams Bouwmeester
Jo Coenen, former Bouwmeester Nederland
Olivier Bastin, Bouwmeester of the Brussels capital region
Jan Bruggemans, Professor Architect
Remy Schepens (secretary), Managing Director Vitra Belgium

Heleen Sintobin, Master Student Interior Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas, KULeuven, has won the prize within the residential category, analyzing the  the Quinta Monroy housing project by Chilean architect  Alejandro Aravena and will be invited to subscribe for one of the design workshops at ‘Domaine de BOISBUCHET’ in France.

Heleen Sintobin

Heleen Sintobin

Quinta Monroy by Alejandro Aravena

Quinta Monroy by Alejandro Aravena

This is what the jury writes about Heleen Sintobin’s work :“Although the project of Aravena is an often published project, Heleen Sintobin managed to approach the essence of social housing in a correct and intelligent way. Her analysis went just that little step further to trigger the jury. A strong debut that can certainly be fine-tuned.”

Congratulations Heleen! You have made us all very proud! Keep up the good work!

For more information about the BENELUX ACADEMIC ARCHITECTURE AWARD 2014, go to: http://www.architecture-award.eu/winners

For more information about Heleen Sintobin :

