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Information sessions on Master Dissertation 2019-20

For students who will graduate in the International Master of Architecture in 2019-20: To give you a good overview of all the possibilities for your MD project, we organize two information sessions where the academic supervisors for your campus will present their MD studio. This information session will take place onĀ Friday 21 June 2019, at 9AM in room A3 (Alexianenplein, Ghent) and Friday 21 June 2019, at 2PM in T20 (Paleizenstraat 65, Brussels).

The names of the supervisors will be made public in de following weeks. We will also make the all information about the MD studios available online, so keep an eye on your mailbox. We will finish the appointment of supervisors before the summer holiday.

You are also more than welcom to attend the MD jury, on 19 June in Ghent and 20 June in Brussels.