Sofa Talk with Sofia Saavedra Bruno 24/10

Sofia Saavedra Bruno is next guest in the sofa-talk. We will talk about how experimental pedagogy and action research allow to expand the commons. Sofia Saavedra Bruno is member of Supersudaca (2001- ongoing), a collective that practices “direct architecture” in the blind spots of architecture and urbanism. The method is inspired by everyday practices in […]


Expo: Meuropzero

ExpoMeuropzero is een nieuw initiatief dat studentenwerk in de kijker zet. Twee weken lang wordt geselecteerd werk getoond van bachelor- en masterstudenten na reviews of jurymomenten. De exporuimte is de hele dag vrij toegankelijk voor iedereen en wil een tastbare doorsnede van het vak Ontwerpen tonen. ExpoMeuropzero plaatst kwaliteitsvolle ontwerpen in het licht om medestudenten […]


Call: Post-Office Book Club: Cyber and the City

Hey bookish babes and boos, the soirées of the Post-Office Book Club are back! This year, we’re serving up something special with our new theme: Cyber and the City. Get ready to explore the rich intersection of feminism, digital culture, and architecture. We’re spilling the lore on trailblazing female+* authors who are rewriting the rules of […]


Going Public lectures, fall 2024

Welcome to our new series of Going Public lectures + open bar. – Alexianenplein 1, 9000 Ghent, Auditorium A3 – 6.30 pm Free entrance. Everyone is welcome! Subscribe to the Going Public newsletter here. Tuesday 01/10/2024 (ENG) BIO-BASED STRUCTURES Wes Degreef (BC architects & studies & materials) – Learn more and register. Dinsdag 15/10/2024 (NL) […]


ARTROOM 23/05 – 15/11

Where Art becomes Architecture and Architecture becomes Art Presenteert: Stelling#1 Dancing Poles between Heavenly and Earthly Realms Dan Xin Hao & Nicolas Claessens Laureaten ARTROOM-Prize 2023 Beeldentuin Alexianenplein 2 campus Sint-Lucas Gent Opening 23.05 — 18:00 STELLING#1 werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door de Associatie KU LEUVEN, de Faculteit Architectuur KU LEUVEN en LUCA School of […]


Deniz Çakir and Britt Roelandt are nominated for the Future Proef Award.

The Future Proef Award is a prize (3,000 euros for the first place and 500 euros for places 2 and 3) that rewards final theses by bachelor and graduate students of a Flemish higher education institution, which address sustainable development issues. 33 final projects from KU Leuven compete for this prize. The announcement of the […]
