Presentations Assemblea 2023 Ghent:
0:40 Intro
3:30 Roeland Smits: All City All Land: New Urban Figures – Densification within the peri-urban landscape
9:30 Steven Geeraert +Jan van Hoof, in collaboration with Bart Van Gassen, Bruno Notteboom: Architecture and Territories: Transformative architectural interventions for Sluizeken-Tolhuis-Ham (Ghent).
15:30 Maarten Gheysen+Sophie Leemans: Where we live now? An exploration on villageness
20:05 Gitte Schreurs: A space-time continuum – Designing in New York City and Brussels
24:55 Lars Fischer: The Ill-tempered Home
30:30 Karen Kesteloot+Christopher Paesbrugghe: AS-SA(E)MP(B)LING
38:33 Steven Schenk: Studio RESTART
42:40 Jo Van Den Berghe+Louise De Brabander: Architectural Detail
54:50 Joris Van Reusel+Daan Devolder: VLOED@DOEL: veerkracht in de polders
1:02:40 Marc Macken: Gelaagdheid – The Building and the City
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