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Stijn Jalon and Douwe Neven are winners of the 11th Concrete Design Competition on PRESENCE!

Congratulations to graduates Stijn Jalon and Douwe Neven, winners of the ’11th Concrete Design Competition on PRESENCE’ with their design REbuild – Adaptive reuse of an industrial structure – “… a project where concrete elements are preserved or reused in the adapted building, thereby awarding a project that is exemplary in its use of concrete and excels in its architectural presence”.

The Concrete Design Competition is a biennial ideas and design competition organised and financed by a consortium of European cement and/or concrete federations. FEBELCEM is the organiser for Belgium. The competition asks students of architecture, design and engineering to explore and exploit the potential of concrete’s properties with respect to any notion of PRESENCE. These can be related to inherent material properties, concrete’s production process, and its application in new or existing structures. They may address aesthetic desires, structural systems or fabrication methods and comment on economic realities, sustainability demands or social issues.

Each participating country assembles a jury team that may contain architects, engineers, designers, teachers, and industry experts.