< terug

Autonomous zone in the city: Zonneklopper (Peter Jacquemyn) 3/05

Join us in the visit to Zonneklopper with Peter Jacquemyn. Zonneklopper is a temporary occupation of an old industrial building considered as a ‘Zone à Inventer’ (Zone of Invention). The building serves, for 5 years already, as a meeting place and cultural venue for different collectives and individuals. The activities include a self-financed shelter for refugees. The autonomous zone is a result of the struggle for place, opposing the commercial use of vacant spaces in the city and defending the practice of self-management in socalled ‘friches urbaines’. The urban margin allows for other ways of doing and seeing. Our guide Peter Jacquemyn is visual artist, sculptor, and improvising musician. He teaches at LUCA Brussels and is engaged in Zonneklopper.

DATE Friday 3 May 2024, 5:30 pm
MEETING POINT @23 Avenue de la Verrerie/ Glasblazerijstraat, Forest/ Vorst

The visit is part of the Architecture & Activism seminar organized by Gideon Boie and Lieven De Cauter.

Poster by @mlkab