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Sofa Walk: Globe Aroma – Heleen Verheyden 26/04

Can architecture help the inclusion of new arrivals? We will discuss the question with architect-researcher Heleen Verheyden. She studies inclusive design in the context of housing for refugees, especially in the case of Globe Aroma in Brussels. Globe Aroma is a working and meeting place for artists and art lovers with a background as new arrivals. The organization got recently recognized as incubator by the Brussels government, which allows for expanding operations and infrastructure with other partners. The transition of Globe Aroma is supported through a process of co-creation set up by Heleen Verheyden and her colleagues from the WA action research group (KU Leuven Department of Architecture). New South architects got involved in a procedure of the Brussels and Flemish Government Architect. Heleen Verheyden will guide us in an exploratory visit to Globe Aroma. You’re welcome to join us.

Friday 26 April 2024, 5:30 pm

Rue de la Braie / Moutstraat 26, 1000 Brussels

The visit is part of the Architecture & Activism seminar organized by Gideon Boie and Lieven De Cauter.


Poster by Melika Baghban Anbarani