Caroline Sohie: “This work, a culmination of years of architectural practice, academic studio teaching and a commitment to positive change, introduces a speculative design model at the forefront of the sustainability discourse. By combining systemic, regenerative, and speculative sustainable design transitions, the paper positions architecture as a proactive force for change, transcending traditional problem-solving approaches. This paradigm shift reframes the core of sustainable design as enabling continual systemic transformation, where resilience is pursued— not by resisting change—but by designing for change.
The approach explored in the paper is a powerful tool, creating new pathways towards critical imaginaries that tackle the challenges of the future head-on. Design emerges as a medium to inspire agency, fostering informed collective decision-making.
I extend my gratitude to the Architectural master’s students of the Faculty of Architecture for their engagement and contributions, refining the theory through a research-by-design process. Special thanks to the students Ciaran Farren Palacios, Feyza Koç and Konstantin Trautmann, whose projects served as case studies, enriching the exploration.
This Springer publication marks a significant step toward a future where design serves as a catalyst for transformation.”