This booklet is the last of 3 parts of a broader research developed by students of the International Masters in Architecture at KU Leuven. Led by professors Cecilia Chiappini and Caroline Sohie and following the MAIB24 Design Studio (2020.1), students were challenged to analyse, discuss and make proposals to the districts of Matongé and EU Quarter in Brussels, under the scope of the Radicant [1] concept.
The first part of the research consists of the Site Analysis. To that end, students were subdivided in groups. Each group was responsible to bring information about three specific themes that would provide the basis setting for the future projects: “Appropriations”, “Materialisations” and “Expectations”.
The second part gathers individual explorations on the so-called Interpretative Score. With the contribution of the artist Gunter Heynen, the group combined personal interests and various techniques to present their own perspectives and ideas based on the Radicant concept and the analysis carried on the first phase.
The third and last part is the final outcome of the Design Studio – the Intervention -, where students present the Architectural outcomes of their own research and proposals carried throughout the semester.
[1] The Radicant is a concept developed by art critic and curator Nicolas Bourriaud. It refers to an organism that grows its roots as it advances. In the Arts realm it is often brought as a response to a modern or post-modern interpretation, suggesting an Alter-modern approach, where the wanderer receives a more important role.
Source: Jean-Hubert Martin, « Nicolas Bourriaud, Radicant : pour une esthétique de la globalisation », Critique d’art [En ligne], 35 | Printemps 2010. Available at: <> visited in: 24.03.2020.