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Drawing Architecture, Aesthetics beyond representational imperatives

Supervisor(s)  Riet Eeckhout 
Campus BXL 
Language EN/NL 
Studio or individual?   Studio 


Drawing Architecture  

Drawing Architecture studio adopts a broad view towards architectural design and embraces relevant alternative forms of architectural practice to investigate and materialise this notion. 

The architectural thesis project will be developed through the production of multi-media drawings, filmic observations and models, as sites of emergence and production of visual ideas and subject matter to reflect upon architectural space. Students venture into an investigative field based on intuition, tacit intelligence and the intense process of making with various media, to develop their spatial stance in their thesis project and a corresponding visual and cognitive language of architecture.
The agency and capacity of drawing, filmmaking and model making in the production of space and thoughts are methodically deployed to investigate time, intent, and the material condition of architecture, explored and refined as a response to various notions of the spatial event and spatial temporal constructs.

The view on architecture that this studio offers is manifestly inclined towards the potential of relational aspects of architectural space and away from object and component directed perception of space.  

While the student drives the individual thesis subject matter and the media for the investigation, the studio offers a methodical substructure that is twofold:  

(1) Phase one, the spatial Event: Thesis subject documentation. In the first phase (sem1), the student explores and demarcates his/her field of interest and subject matter by means of manual or digital collaging: A one minute site of spatial – temporal constructs including visual triggers, spatial atmospheres, film fragments and textual articulations resulting in an opulent exploration of the spatial event. This initial document wil give resolution, direction and articulation to a developing thesis stance. 

Thesis content collection: This information ranges from atmospheric to factual, from functional to politically motivated, from film documents to textual phrasing, from narrative sub structures to abstracted visual sling-shot manoeuvres. The collected information is brought together and collaged in a film document, incrementally giving resolution and body to this thesis assignment. 

(2) Phase two: the Material Condition The students develop the depth, potential and richness of the architectural event into a thesis proposal and project Reflection book. Finding the means and methods to unveil the potential of the architectural event, producing design drawings, models and other relevant artefacts.

Expected output: What is relevant for the individual project proposal + project reflection book. 

References/Further reading:
In Space We Read Time: On the History of Civilization and Geopolitics by Karl Schlögel