We would like to welcome you again this semester for the Going Public lecture series. Once more Prof. Riet Eeckhout came up with a fascinating program.
- 11/02/’25 BUROBILL (BE): “Joyful care” (more info and registration)
- 25/02/’25 Niall McLaughlin Architects (UK) – “Taking Time” (more info and registration)
- 1/03/’25 Doug Allard – XDGA (BE), “XDGA BUILT NOTHING”
- 18/03/’25 Michiel Hutsebaut – “Towards an interior ornament: working at Felt/Franje”
- 25/03/’25 Forensic Architecture – “When it stopped being a war: the situated testimony of Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah
The lectures always take place on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM in room A4 (Alexianenplein 1, 9000 Ghent) and are followed by an open bar.