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Symposium / Drawing Narratives: Drawings as Objects of Knowledge II

Curated by Caroline Voet, Eireen Schreurs, and Helen Thomas
Faculty of Architecture, KU Leuven
Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft
Drawing Matter

Location: Office Architects Henley Halebrown, London

Organisation: Caroline Voet (KU Leuven), Eireen Schreurs (TU Delft / UAntwerpen), Helen Thomas
(ETH Zürich), Laura Lievevrouw (KU Leuven) and TJ Rivera (TU Delft)

Image: Office Architects Henley Halebrown

This conference is part of https://architectuur.kuleuven.be/architectural-research/

The ZOOM link for the digital conference and key note can be requested by
sending an e-mail to: research.arch@kuleuven.be.