During the summer school ‘SENSE ADAPT CREATE’, three lectures will take place in Castle Ter Beken (Ghent) by Dries De Poorter (6/09), Stefan Van der Spek & Hans Hoogenboom (9/09) and David Novack (12/09). Everyone is welcome to join, free of charge. Registration is mandatory.
Stefan Van der Spek & Hans Hoogenboom (TU Delft) – 09/09/2022, 7.30 pm
A lecture in the frame of the project ‘Creatieve Makers‘ (subsidized by Voorsprongfonds)
‘Images required?’
“In this lecture I’ll cover the integration of the fields of geomatics and urban design. GPS tracking technologies delivered valuable data on how people use the city in real life: while ‘visiting’ and while ‘living’. Studies have been carried out on people visiting European city centres (Spatial Metro, Tracking Delft, tracking Rotterdam), but also on dedicated groups such as high-rise residents (High-rise Rotterdam) and students versus families (Delft from Above). Sensoring platforms can support the collection of additional data: in the Geomatics Synthesis course static and dynamic sensoring systems were built collecting data on air quality and movement, collecting invisible traces people leave behind. Finally, this data is used for urban design and planning. Here Virtual and Augmented Reality offer useful tools for visualization, communication, evaluation and participation by providing full immersive virtual environments. Examples are the application in Urban Design for Improving Health in Groningen.”
Read more and register on https://arch.kuleuven.be/sense-adapt-create