A lecture in the faculty’s Legacy engagement
curated by Jo Van Den Berghe
28 April 2021, 5.30pm
Online: zoom link
Three funerals, three weddings
After the burial of SuperDutch, Small-Scale and Utopia, there are (still) things to celebrate in (Dutch) architecture: A new awareness of All-Inclusive, the inclusion of the Non-human, and a stronge urge to address this by the Act of Building.
A lot has changed in Dutch architecture since the prosperous 1990s. SuperDutch, government policy and vinex housing flourished and went. The financial crisis came, fostering a generation of architects that reactivated architecture as a bottom-up, small-scale and collaborative profession. Today, amidst a pandemic, a climate crisis, an energy crisis and war in Europe, architects have found various ways to scale up and/or take responsibility. By design but also by building arguments using their architectural skills and mind-set to address social issues. In this lecture, Indira van ‘t Klooster will introduce them to you and show how Arcam, the Amsterdam architecture center, offers them a platform and a broader audience.
Everyone is welcome to join us!
See you then!