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(22-23) ADAPT, On Continuity in Building

Master Dissertation KU Leuven . Architecture

ADAPT, on continuity in building

Tutor: Ignaas Back

Ghent, EN


Generous architecture aims to create new meaning in building, through an approach that is process- based and inclusive, dynamically anticipating to a fast-changing context, with the main focus to connect people, place, space and time.

Although architects are essentially dealing with material culture, we feel the need to activate and invigorate the often intangible and ineffable elements of local traditions with the aim of safeguarding the memory of traditional and sustainable ways. We therefore believe that it is precisely the continuity of a living tradition that identifies people and creates a sense of belonging.

This design studio aims to safeguard and reactivate natural knowledge as a generator of meaning in a globalized and superdiverse world. Our main focus will be on understanding traditional knowledge and vernacular architecture that generates sustainable, climate-resilient buildings and infrastructures. By translating globally available knowledge to locally available resources and skills we achieve low-impact and low-tech building.

In short, designing and creating physical spaces in remote rural areas which have to deal with hardships such as difficult climate conditions, urban and economic pressure, social isolation, etc. is our core activity.

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